
Sunday 1 September 2013

Home made doughnut recipe


Flour.                           6 cups
Sugar.                          1 cup
Margarine                    2 tablespoon
Nutmeg.                       1 pcs
Yeast                            2 tablespoon
Lukewarm water.         2 cups
Oil                                Enough to fry

6 cups of Flour

1 pc of nutmeg grated

1 cup of sugar

Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl add a pich of salt, nutmeg and the margarine

Measure you lukewarm water into a bowl, add the yeast and sugar and stir. Allow to stand for a while until bubbles appear on top (this is actually a test to prove that the yeast is still active, if it does not bubble the yeast is no longer active and your dough will not rise.

Bubbly water, yeast and sugar

Rub the margarine into the flour until it looks like bread crumbs.
Make a hole in the flour margarine mixture and pour the water and yeast.

Knead until it forms a dough.

Cover with a clean napkin and allow to raise in a warm place until about twice its size.

After the dough has risen to about twice it's size, (lightly cover your work surface with flour) place on a work surface and knead.

Cut out a little, roll with your rolling pin and Use a bowl the size you want your doughnut to be to cut out circles and use the cap of  a bottle to cut out the center.

Place on a tray that has been lightly covered by flour and allow to rise again for another 5 mins.

Fry in deep heat until golden brown.


Serve with a slight sprinkling of sugar if desired.

Doughnuts are perfect snacks for kids.


  1. Nice!I like d detailed info.will like if u can do it with ur subsequent post

  2. Eze wanyi dear thanks. I always try to include pictures but some times my pictures don't come out clear.

  3. What ingredient makes doughnut come out soft and fluffy. I dont like heavy and hard doughnut
