Monday 29 September 2014

Home made bread recipe 2

Nothing beats hot freshly baked bread. I actually tried baking bread for the 1st thing in September 2013. You can check out my 1st attempt Here. With consistent practice, I have gotten better. And I will love to share my latest attempt with you.

Flour                                        10cups
Margarine                                 5tablespoons
Active dried yeast                    5teaspoons
Sugar                                        5 tablespoon
Salt                                           1/2 tablespoon
Milk.                                         2 1/2 cup
Water                                        1 1/2 cup (lukewarm water)

Weigh and measure your ingredients accurately.

Into a small bowl mix the lukewarm water yeast and sugar, leave for a short while until it starts to froth. (This help you to know the yeast is active)

Into your mixing bowl add 6cups of flour and salt.

Add the margarine (slightly melted).

Turn with a wooden spoon.
Add the yeast, sugar, water mixture.
Turn with your wooden spoon.
Add the milk, turn and add the rest of the flour.
Work with your hands until, it forms a dough.
Turn on a lightly floured surface and knead for about 5 mins.
Place the dough into a lightly floured mixing bowl

and cover with a clean napkin.

Leave for about 1 hour or until it doubles in size.

Place on a lightly floured work surface and knead lightly to remove the air. Cut and roll ino desired shaped.

Place on a greased baking tray.

Crack an egg into a bowl and add a teaspoon of cold water and with a brush, brush each one with egg to give your bread a nice brown crust.

Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 mins or until light brown.

Enjoy your bread with a cup of beverage of your choice

I actually scaled up this recipe:

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