Saturday 11 May 2013

Home made Chin-chin

Chin chin is one of the easiest snacks to make and it is an ideal snack for your family and guests.

Sugar        500g
Butter/margarine   250g
Nutmeg                     1 nut (grated)
Flour.                         1.5kg
Water.                        1cup
Eggs.                          3eggs
Milk.                          1 tin

margarine 250g

Sugar 500g
Nutmeg (1grated)

Flour 1.5kg
Water 1 cup
3 eggs

Mix the water , milk and sugar to gether in a bowl to enable the sugar dissolve.
In a separate bowl mix the nutmeg and flour, rub in the butter/margarine until it looks like bread crumbs.

Add the sugar milk mixture and the eggs, mix with your hands until it forms a smooth dough.
  Knead the dough, roll out and cut into desired shape.
Deep fry in hot vegetable oil, stir constantly until it’s light brown.

Scoop the fried chin chin into a sieve to remove excess oil
Allow to cool down completely on a tray. Enjoy soft delicious home made chin-chin.

Store left over(if any) in an airtight container.


  1. Hello, Please what makes the dough of chin-chin not to come together and seem kind off oily?

  2. Sorry dear for the late response, you need to add more eggs to your chinchilla - eggs are binding agents. And you have too much butter/margarine that why it's oily, dd more flour.

    1. Sorry for the typos, chinchilla - chinchin
      dd - add

  3. Hi. Please how do I get my chin chin really crunchy? Most recipes I have tried are good but not as crunchy as I want it to be.

  4. Annoy sept 29th, have you tried this recipe?

  5. What makes chin chin skin rough

    1. The skin of chin chin will be rough if you don't knead the dough properly.
